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Parshat Tazria - April 12 / 13, 2024

04/15/2024 02:10:16 PM


Shabbat Davening Schedule
Friday, April 12: Candle Lighting: 7:13 pm, Mincha: 7:00 pm
Shabbat, April 13
Shacharit: 9:00 am (Shema: 9:32 am) Avinu Malkeinu following Shacharit
We will be saying special prayers for Tzahal, the captives, and the entire Jewish people before Mussaf.

Rabbi Kalmar’s sermon: “The Sound of Subway – Living With Equanimity”
Mincha: 7:05 pm: Followed by Seudah Shelishit
Maariv: 8:10 pm, Havdalah: 8:13 pm
Week Day Davening Schedule
Shacharit: Sun.: 8:00 am, Mon. / Thurs: 6:40 am, Tues. / Wed. / Fri.: 6:45 am
Mincha/Maariv: Sun.-Thurs.: 7:15 pm
Next Friday, April 19 Candle Lighting: 7:21 pm, Mincha: 7:00 pm

Eruv Status: The eruv is up as of today, April 12, 2024. To check the Eruv Status go to

This Week's Kiddush: is a dairy sit-down kiddush sponsored by Bob Rabinoff in honor of the 50th yahrzeit of his mother, Leah bat Yosef

Next Week’s kiddush: is a meat sit-down kiddush sponsored by Stanley and Phyllis Jaspan on the occasion of the yahrzeit of Stan’s father, Yosef ben Avraham Yitzchak.

Upcoming Kiddushes at ASKT: Upcoming Kiddushes are available for sponsorship. Do you have a yahrtzeit, birthday, anniversary, or 'just because' event? If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush in the future, email the shul at see a list of open weeks, click here.
To see our Kiddush Menuclick here.
Kiddush WhatsApp group for Kiddush Insider info - Find out what will be served for Kiddush in the upcoming week. To join, please email

Shabbat Programming:

10:45 am: Torah for Tots: (ages 2-4) in the social hall and led by Aviva Bergtrom
Shalva's Super Shul: will be meeting this Shabbat in the social hall led by Shalva Karan
MIT's (Minyanairres in Training): (1st-4th graders): meeting in the library and led by Chana Gaines and Eliana Kalmar

PLEASE NOTE: We are asking all adults to refrain from being in the social hall from 10:45 to 11:30 am to allow both kids groups to function properly.   The kids are the future of our shul and Am Yisrael so let's make them the priority!

Shabbat afternoon class: "Gebrochts! Oy Gevalt!  - Chumra or Halacha?" – given by Rabbi Kalmar at 6:30 pm at ASKT
Week Day Programming:
Semichas Chaver Learning Program – will not be meeting this Sunday
Rabbi Kalmar’s Weekly Nach Class – will be on break until after Pesach
Rabbi Kalmar’s Weekly Parsha Class will be on break until after Pesach, resuming May 8
Daily Dose of Faith WhatsApp learning - We are studying the Shaar HaBitachon from Chovot HaLevavot.  If you would like to join the WhatsApp group so that you can get this short dose of discussing trust and faith in God - you can click here to join.
Sefer HaChinuch WhatsApp learning - the classic work on the mitzvos.  To join – click here - We are up to Mitzvah 32
Mazel Tov to Howard Felix and Dee Blatt on their engagement!
If you'd like to contribute to Maos Chittin Funds (funds for Pesach food for people in need in our community) to have Rabbi Kalmar disburse funds on your behalf please click here. If you don't want to pay now, you can fill out a form by clicking here. To give out funds to people on time, it would be ideal to have pledges in by, Friday, April 12.

If you'd like to sell your chometz and have Rabbi Kalmar act as your agent this year, he will be available to do so before (10 minutes) or after (10 minutes) morning (6:35 am Tues., Wed., Fri., 6:30 am Mon. / Thurs.) or afternoon (7:15 pm this week) davening at shul this coming week or the week after that. You can fill out the attached document ahead of time or he will have copies with him at shul.  Alternatively, you can email him at with the completed form.

Burning the Chometz – Monday, April 22 – 14th of Nisan
The last time to eat chometz is until 10:32 am.  The chometz should be destroyed in the morning, either by burning or flushing before 11:41 am. 

There will be a communal chometz burning at the North Shore Fire Rescue, 4401 W. River Ln. in Brown Deer, from 10:30 am until 11:45 am. REQUEST OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Please do not bring anything to burn besides chometz and paper bags that they are in. No aluminum foil even, please.

To chometz in your garbage taken away, you can arrange for pickup with our caretaker, Charles Greer, 414-544-3757.  Garbage with edible Chometz in it that is put out in containers owned by Glendale should be out by 11:41 am.

Clean Out Your Shtenders before Pesach - Please take a minute to clean out your seat area before Pesach - and it would be great if you could look at your whole row or two and clear out anything that can go.

Volunteer Opportunity! Are you interested in helping out ASKT? ASKT is looking for its next treasurer. Contact Matt Kleiman or Bob Rabinoff if you are interested

OU Women’s Initiative Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program Join a local group of women who will be studying and discussing their learning experiences. Join the WhatsApp group

Dee Pirkei Avot Project to learn Pirkei Avos each Shabbat dedicating each Mishna of Pirkei Avot to all those in need of Tefillot in Eretz Yisrael as well as l’ilui nishmat Lucy, Maia, and Rina Dee. This week’s idea has been written by Rabbi Leo Dee. The link to join the WhatsApp group in English is:

To mark the end of Perek Gimmel of Mishna Avot and the Yahrzeit of Lucy, Maia, and Rina, there will be an international Siyum on Zoom this Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 12 noon Meeting ID:357 167 2176, Passcode: 929619


Israel Action Section – Things we can do

1. Nation on Pause - To dedicate to do something different this Shabbat for a specific hostage whom you choose, go to

2. Contact the White House with an email every day - about bringing the hostages home and supporting Israel's efforts to remove Hamas

3. Tehillim on behalf of All of Tzahal and for Paratroopers Gedud (Battalion) 890. A son of Olim, friends of the Kalmars, serves in that unit. To join the Tehillim group, To join the Tehillim group, click here

4. We still need letters for soldiers!  If you can write, color, tape, sticker or otherwise make a card for a soldier - please do that and get them to Rabbi Kalmar who will get them to Israel.

5. Stay Informed – Read the Israel Action News that is found in the lobby

6. Run 4 Their Lives Milwaukee - Sunday, April 14 10:00-11:00 am there will be a run, at 12:30 pm (NOTE time): A mile walk to support the hostages will start at UWM Hillel


Minyan Sign-Ups: We need your help to make all the minyanim happen! Sign up here for weekday and Shabbat minyanim for this week.

Cholim List: If you have someone who is ill and needs our prayers, send in their names to
Thank you to our security guard: Andrew Smith

Latte and Learning will be taking place Sunday, April 14 at 11:30 am at Friendship Café, for teens, questions contact Rabbi Dov Ber Smith, (818) 618-6449

Overwhelmed by ALL the cleaning to do for Pesach? Let the Hillel Academy 8th graders lighten your load a bit! On Sunday, April 14th from 1-5 pm in the CLTC parking lot, the students are running a Pesach Car Cleaning fundraiser for their class trip to Israel this May. Help them meet their goal and get your car cleaned for Pesach while you're at it! More details in the flyer below. Sign-Up Link:

Thank you to the Seudah Shelishit Duty Volunteers:
April 13th          Yanki Ribault                 Carl Crawford
April 20th          Brian Pack                    Joel Eckhardt

ASKT Community Milestones email to share.
Birthdays: David Amrani (4/13), Shoshana Elias (4/13), Rafi Kleiman (4/16),  Libby Hellman (4/17)

Yahrtzeit – 4 Nisan- 11 Nisan
Rose Michels, mother of Bob Michels, Nisan 4
Sarah Eisenstein, sister in law of Naomi Eisenstein, Nisan 6
Gertruida Gidan , mother of Susie Gidan, Nisan 9

Community Kosher Food Options
Burke Candy Company: 513 E. Silver Spring Dr. across from Sendik’s
Oasis at the Jewish Home: 11:00 am- 2:00 pm
QuicKosher: Food Market: WhatsApp/Call/Text: 414-301-1625 or 414-502-8063, Email: To order go to QuicKosher’s Website: QuicKosher is now delivering warm Open flame -Stone Oven delicious pizza To order call, (347) 517-3278
Metro Market Mequon: Lots of Kosher Products, Kosher Sushi, meat, cheeses, baked goods, etc.  Open 6 am till 11 pm
Hannah’s Kitchen:  Cafe Hours: Mon - Thurs.: 11 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Fri.: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Deli On Crown: Mon-Thurs:11am –3 pm Fri: 11 am-2 pm.
Order online:,
Friendship Bakery / Café: 8649 N Port Washington Rd Hours: Sun: 9 am – 5:00 pm, Mon–Thurs: 6:30 am–5:00 pm, Fri: 6:30 am-3 pm to order online:
Yo-Factory - Frozen Yogurt Place - 2203 N Farwell Ave    You can ask to check the boxes of products that are put into the Frozen Yogurt Machines - all the ones that they currently use are kosher.  Many toppings are kosher as well.

Shabbat Shalom / Good Shabbos!

Weekly Bulletin Parshat Chayei Sarah - Nov. 13/14, 2020

11/13/2020 10:21:34 AM


Click Here for Focus on Israel
Click Here for the Cholim List
Shabbat Davening Schedule
Friday, November 13
Shacharit: 7:00am
Candle Lighting: 4:11pm, Mincha: 4:15pm

Shabbat, Nov. 14
Shacharit: 9:00am (Shema: 9:10am)
Seudah Shelishit at home.   Mincha: 4:10pm (Shiur between Mincha and Maariv)
Maariv: 5:05pm (Note: One cannot drive to Maariv!)
Havdalah: 5:11pm
Week Day Davening
Shacharit: Mon., Wed-Fri.: 7:00am, Tues. (Rosh Chodesh Kislev): 6:45am, Sun.: 8:00am
Mincha: Sun-Thurs will be 4:15pm, Sign up for this week’s davening by clicking here
Next Friday, November 20
Shacharit: 7:00am, Candle Lighting: 4:05pm, Mincha: 4:10pm
Eruv Status: The Eruv is checked every Friday and was last checked November 13 and is up.  To check the Eruv Status at any time, go to
ASKT’s Shabbat In Shul/At Home Guide to Davening
(Please try to Daven at the Same Time as the Community)
NOTE: Page numbers are taken from the Artscroll RCA Siddur
Friday, November 13
Mincha (4:15pm) - Ashrei (232) Amidah (234) and Aleinu (252)
Kabbalat Shabbat (308) at Home.  Make sure to dress up nice and to sing!!  Pick a nice tune or two for Lechah Dodi. (316).
(Those at home) skip Bameh Madlikin (322) and go straight to Maariv (330). (No Barchu is said) We say the paragraph of Vayechulu (346) and then skip the next three paragraphs and say Aleinu (350) and Vayigdal (12)
Friday Night Meal – Make sure to sing and give divrei Torah! Shalom Aleichem (354), Aishet Chayil (358), and Kiddush (360) followed by HaMotzi.
Shabbat, November 14
We will have a 9:00am full davening on the patio / downstairs.
For Those Davening at Home:
Shacharit: daven at 9:00am (Shema should be recited before 9:10am)
Following Shacharit – the parsha of Chayei Sarah can be read from a Chumash.
Haftorah for Parshat Chayei Sarah (I Kings 1:1 - 1:31)
Back to the Siddur – You could now say the mi-Shebeirach for the ill (442) and the mi-Shebeirach for Tzahal (444). Remember to say the first Yekum Purkan (448) only. Remember to say the prayers for the government and the State of Israel (450).
We say Birkat HaChodesh (452) The Molad for the Month of Kislev is Sunday, November 15th, 7 minutes and one cheilek after 4 pm "Rosh Chodesh Kislev Yihiyeh Biyom Shelishi Haba Aleinu ViAl Kol Yisrael LiTovah" We skip Av HaRachamim and say Ashrei (456) which is followed by the Mussaf Amidah (462). I recommend singing Ein Keilokeinu (476), Aleinu (480), (Anim Zemirot is not recited without a minyan) Shir Shel Yom (488), and Adon Olam (12).
Kiddush (492) and Festive Shabbat meal (remember to sing and give divrei torah).
Mincha: (in-person: 4:10pm) (502) Ashrei and Uva Litzion.  Followed by Amidah for Mincha Shabbat (514).
Seudah Shelishit – Third Meal
Maariv (5:05pm) (256). Remember to add the special insertion in the blessing of binah as part of the Amidah (268).  We say Vihi Noam (p. 594) followed by Aleinu (280)
Havdallah (618): at 5:11pm
Rabbi Kalmar’s Message for Parshat Chayei Sarah, "The Crazy Shema Guy and Why It's So Important to Say Shema before 9:10am" will be coming to your inbox soon.
Weekend Programming
Kids Adon Olam Jam Session - approximately 11am to 11:15am at shul for the kids, November 14 - Come and Dance in Place with a plush torah (bring your own or get one at shul) to Adon Olam at the end of davening and get a lollipop and hear a story from Rabbi Kalmar.  Kids may bring their parents as well.  Socially distanced, masked and on the patio or in the social hall depending on the weather and your family preference. 
Shabbat, November 14: "Laws of Blessings on Chanukah Candles Part III" given by Rabbi Kalmar in between Mincha and Maariv
Week Day Programming
Amud Yomi: Sun.-Fri: Sun., 7:30am, Mon-Fri.: 6:30am, via free conference call - just call (712) 451-0253 and enter 911849# to join.
If you missed “Your questions on the pandemic answered!” Zoom session for the Milwaukee Community with Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt  click here and if you would like to read a summary click here.
Rabbi Kalmar's Navi Lunch and Learn on Book of Shmuel Bet: Tuesday, November 17 at 12:15-12:55pm on zoom or you can call in Click here to listen to this week’s class.
Exploring the Weekly Parsha Class with Rabbi Kalmar. This class is open to all levels – Wednesday, November 18 at 10:15am - on zoom and in person in the social hall.  Click here to listen to this week's parsha class.
Ladies Tehillim for Rosh Chodesh Kislev: Thursday, November 19. Details to follow
ASKT Shabbat Party-To-Go!
If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat-Party-To-Go for the kids ($100) please email to let us know.
Kiddush-To-Go: If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush To Go in the future, email the shul at  to arrange to sponsor cookies, pastries, kugels or something else to go.  If you would like to order Kiddush-to-Go, please plan ahead as it takes longer to order. We may not be able to have kiddush together yet, but this is a way to celebrate or honor or remember together.  Cost will depend on the item you want to have in your Kiddush-To-Go but will run approximately $100-$200.
Killing COVID with Kindness - Our Chesed committee is working on finding ways for our members to look out and take care of each other and others - to Kill COVID with Kindness. We will be working on measures to reach out to each other and to call/write/send pictures to people at Chai Point and the Jewish Home.  If you are interested in getting involved with our Chesed committee, email:
Minyan Sign Ups: We need your help to make all the minyanim happen!
Sign up here for weekday minyanim for this week.
ASKT Chavrutah Program: Would you like to study Torah with a partner in the ASKT community? If you are interested in learning with someone via phone, zoom or perhaps in person (we will leave that up to you to work out with your learning partner) please email, and let us know. Also, let us know what you are interested in studying with a partner and how often. Studying Torah (whether it is Tanach (Bible), Halacha (Halacha), Talmud, Mishna, Hashkafa (Jewish thought), Mussar (ethics), or some other area) is edifying, it's interesting, it's challenging, it's life changing, it's a mitzvah and it is what has kept us Jews alive and kicking for so long. This is for men and women of all ages and all skill levels. No learning matches will be made without consulting with all parties first. We will be pairing up men to learn with men and women to learn with women.
Welcome back to Jerry Blumberg, who will be in town from Nov. 16 until January 6 He can be reached at
Community Events / Announcements
Domestic Violence Survivors Virtual Support Group - Starting November 19th Hosted Every Thursday from 9:00-10:30 am. Jewish Family Services has been helping individuals who are experiencing intimate partner violence in our community for 5 years through our collaboration with Sojourner Family Peace Center and is now offering educational/support group for women within the Jewish community who want to understand and get support in their own healing journey. This virtual support group will be confidential and will be using the Zoom platform to gather together while being remote. These groups will be led by experts in the dynamics of unhealthy relationships. For Information or Registration Contact:  Kat Blackwell at 414-225-1374 or email
WITS Senior Pizza Sale: Motzei Shabbos, November 14: 7:20pm-11:00pm and Sunday November 15 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Regular pie - $11.00, Frozen pie - $11.00, Spicy Pie - $12.00 (spicy sauces and jalapenos on top) Six topping pie (6 vegetables) $13.00, no cheese pizza - $8.00, Fri pie (spicy or regular) $12.00 (a layer of crispy French fries) toppings: black olives, green olives, onions, jalapeno, green pepper, mushroom, siracha) $.50 each, sides: soda - $.75, regular fries $1.50, spicy fries $2.00, cheese fries (regular or spicy) $3.50, pizza rolls 3 for $3.00. Walk-ins welcome (3288 N Lake Drive)! Call and leave a voicemail or text (414) 841-5554 to place your order. On Sunday there will be delivery to Glendale. There is a set delivery fee of $5.00 on orders under $50.00 and you will need to send in your order before 4pm on Sunday with your address.
Agudah of Illinois and Chabad CAREs - Kids Wellness Initiative – You can still sign up to receive packages, those people without children can sign up for milk and a produce box. Click Here to sign up.

QuicKosher: To contact Quickosher with any questions, comments, or special requests. WhatsApp/Call/Text: 414-301-1625 or 414-502-8063, Email: to order go to:
Hannah’s Kitchen: Check out  for Hannah’s Kitchen weekly themed meals, every Tuesday Hannah’s Kitchen themed meals orders are due. Check out  each week for Hannah’s Kitchen Shabbat meals. Every Wednesday the Shabbat menu orders are due. Glendale pick-up for themed meals are Wednesdays and Shabbat menus are to be picked-up Thursdays.
Ferrrantes at the JCC: Kosher Kurbside is OPEN on Tuesday's 3 PM to 7 PM You can place your order online by clicking the link:  or you can call 414-967-8254. If you order online the cafe is including FREE cookies as a thank you. The menu can be found at
Zelda's Catering (from Chicago) will be at Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah for Thanksgiving! Zelda’s Thanksgiving and Shabbat menus will be available.  FREE pick up from their refrigerated truck will be in the ASKT parking lot on Wednesday, November 25, between 4:30pm-5:00pm.  Place your order by November 20 at
JewishMilwaukee Announces!  WhatsApp Group: This group serves as a place for local organizations and businesses to share information with the greater Milwaukee Jewish Community. Click Here to Sign up to be a part of this WhatsApp group

Weekly Bulletin Parshat Noach -- October 23 / 24, 2020

10/23/2020 04:14:46 PM


Click Here for the Cholim List
Click Here for Focus on Israel

Parshat Noach
October 23 / 24, 2020

Shabbat Davening Schedule
Friday, Oct. 23
Shacharit: 7:00am
Candle Lighting: 5:37pm, Mincha: 5:40 pm

Shabbat, Oct. 24
Shacharit: 9:00am (Shema: 9:56am)
Mincha: 5:15pm, Havdallah: 6:37pm, Maariv: 6:45pm
Kiddush Levanah: The final time for the sanctification of the New Moon of MarCheshvan is the night following Saturday, Oct. 31, until 8:45 p.m.
ASKT's Shabbat In Shul/At Home Guide to Davening
(Please try to Daven at the Same Time as the Community)
NOTE: Page numbers are taken from the Artscroll RCA Siddur

Friday, October 23
Mincha (5:40pm) - Ashrei (232) Amidah (234) and Aleinu (252)

Kabbalat Shabbat (308) at Home.  Make sure to dress up nice and to sing!!  Pick a nice tune or two for Lechah Dodi. (316).
(Those at home) skip Bameh Madlikin (322) and go straight to Maariv (330). (No Barchu is said) We say the paragraph of Vayechulu (346) and then skip the next three paragraphs and say Aleinu (350) and Vayigdal (12)
Friday Night Meal – Make sure to sing and give divrei Torah! Shalom Aleichem (354), Aishet Chayil (358), and Kiddush (360) followed by HaMotzi.
Shabbat, October 24
We will have a 9:00am full davening on the patio / downstairs.
For Those Davening at Home:
Shacharit: daven at 9:00am (Shema should be recited before 9:56am)
Following Shacharit – the parsha of Noach can be read from a Chumash.
Haftorah for Parshat Noach (Isaiah 54:1 - 55:5)
Back to the Siddur – You could now say the mi-Shebeirach for the ill (442) and the mi-Shebeirach for Tzahal (444). Remember to say the first Yekum Purkan (448) only. Remember to say the prayers for the government and the State of Israel (450).
We say Av HaRachamim and Ashrei (456) which is followed by the Mussaf Amidah (462).
I recommend singing Ein Keilokeinu (476), Aleinu (480), (Anim Zemirot is not recited without a minyan) Shir Shel Yom (488), and Adon Olam (12).
Kiddush (492) and Festive Shabbat meal (remember to sing and give divrei torah).
Mincha: (in-person 5:15pm) (502) Ashrei and Uva Litzion.  Followed by Amidah for Mincha Shabbat (514).
Seudah Shelishit – Third Meal

Maariv (256). Remember to add the special insertion in the blessing of binah as part of the Amidah (268).  We say Vihi Noam (p. 594) followed by Aleinu (280)
Havdallah (618): at 6:37pm, Say Baruch HaMavdil bein Kodesh Lichol and then you can drive to shul for our 6:45pm minyan.
Rabbi Kalmar’s Message for Parshat Noach, coming to your inbox!
Weekend Programming
Kids Adon Olam Jam Session - approximately 11am to 11:15am at shul for the kids, Oct. 24 - Come and Dance in Place with a plush torah (bring your own or get one at shul) to Adon Olam at the end of davening and get a lollipop and hear a story from Rabbi Kalmar.  Kids may bring their parents as well.  Socially distanced, masked and on the patio or in the social hall depending on the weather and your family preference. 
Oct. 24 at 4:00pm at ASKT, 4th-8th grade girls group led by Leah Gaines & Adina Pullin
Fireside Chat with Rabbi Kalmar – at the Kalmar’s beach for a bonfire
Sunday, October 25 at 6:30pm for Boys, 7th-12th grades “What is a Hero? - in Judaism”
Weekday Programming

Amud Yomi: Sun.-Fri: Sun., 7:30am, Mon-Fri.: 6:30am, via free conference call - just call (712) 451-0253 and enter 911849# to join.
Your questions on the pandemic answered!  Zoom session for the Milwaukee Community with Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt October 26th at 7:30 pm.  To Register for the program go to or email Only those registered for the program will be able to attend. Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt is Board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases and is currently Chairman of Medicine and Hospital Epidemiologist at South Nassau Communities Hospital, and a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. He is also a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.  Rabbi Dr. Glatt has been a frequent speaker and advisor regarding the pandemic for the OU, the Agudah, and is the director of Halacha and Medicine Commission for the Igud Rabbonim.  Rabbi Dr. Glatt has been one of the go-to individuals for the Orthodox Jewish community as it has tried to navigate the re-opening of shuls and schools and now he is bringing his expertise to Milwaukee.
Rabbi Kalmar's Lunch and Learn: Tuesday, October 27 at 12:15-12:55pm. One need not to have participated in previous classes to join.  We are studying the Book of Shmuel Bet again this year and picking up where we left off in the middle of the rebellion of Avshalom.  To Join on Zoom at 12:15pm email

Ladies Tehillim for Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan: Tuesday, October 27 at 7:30pm On zoom
New Weekly Exploring the Weekly Parsha Class with Rabbi Kalmar. This class will be starting this week and is open to all levels – Wednesday, October 28 at 10:15am - on zoom and in person in the social hall


Kiddush To Go is sponsored this week by Karen Loeb in honor of the Glasers, Peckermans and Katzoffs

If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush To Go in the future, email the shul at  to arrange to sponsor cookies, pastries, kugels or something else to go.  If you would like to order Kiddush-to-Go, please plan ahead as it takes longer to order. We may not be able to have kiddush together yet, but this is a way to celebrate or honor or remember together.  Cost will depend on the item you want to have in your Kiddush-To-Go but will run approximately $100-$200. 

ASKT Shabbat Party-To-Go! If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat-Party-To-Go for the kids ($100) please email to let us know.
Week Day Davening
Shacharit: Mon.- Fri.: 7:00am, Sun.: 8:00am
Mincha: Sun-Thurs will be 5:35pm, Sign up for this week’s davening by
clicking here
Next Friday, October 30
Shacharit: 7:00am
Candle Lighting: 5:27pm, Mincha: 5:30pm
Eruv Status: The Eruv is checked every Friday and was last checked October 16th and was up.  To check the Eruv Status at any time, go to
ASKT Directory: We are working on the new directory. If you would like to make changes to your information please email: Did you get rid of your home phone? Do you have a new email address? Did you move? Would you like to include your cell phone(s)?
Minyan Sign Ups: We need your help to make all the minyanim happen!
Sign up here for weekday minyanim for this week.
ASKT Chavrutah Program: Would you like to study Torah with a partner in the ASKT community? If you are interested in learning with someone via phone, zoom or perhaps in person (we will leave that up to you to work out with your learning partner) please email, and let us know. Also, let us know what you are interested in studying with a partner and how often. Studying Torah (whether it is Tanach (Bible), Halacha (Halacha), Talmud, Mishna, Hashkafa (Jewish thought), Mussar (ethics), or some other area) is edifying, it's interesting, it's challenging, it's life changing, it's a mitzvah and it is what has kept us Jews alive and kicking for so long. This is for men and women of all ages and all skill levels. No learning matches will be made without consulting with all parties first. We will be pairing up men to learn with men and women to learn with women.
Teen Programming:
Fireside Chats with Rabbi Kalmar – at the Kalmar’s beach for a bonfire
This Sunday, October 25 at 6:30pm for Boys, 7th-12th grades “What is a Hero? - in Judaism”
NOTE: Fireside Chat for girls is rescheduled for Sunday, November 1st at 5:30pm
Community Events / Announcements
CTEENU Earn college credits in high school through cteen and Yeshiva University.  Run by Rabbi Avremi Schapiro.  Go to for more info.
Agudah of Illinois and Chabad CAREs - Kids Wellness Initiative – You can still sign up to receive packages, those people without children can sign up for milk and a produce box. Click Here to sign up.

QuicKosher: To contact Quickosher with any questions, comments, or special requests. WhatsApp/Call/Text: 414-301-1625 or 414-502-8063, Email: to order go to:
Hannah’s Kitchen: Check out  for Hannah’s Kitchen weekly themed meals, every Tuesday Hannah’s Kitchen themed meals orders are due. Check out  each week for Hannah’s Kitchen Shabbat meals. Every Wednesday the Shabbat menu orders are due. Glendale pick-up for themed meals are Wednesdays and Shabbat menus are to be picked-up Thursdays.

Ferrrantes at the JCC: Ferrantes at the JCC has decided not to open for Kosher Kurbside pick-up at the JCC for the month of October.
JewishMilwaukee Announces!  WhatsApp Group: This group serves as a place for local organizations and businesses to share information with the greater Milwaukee Jewish Community. Click Here to Sign up to be a part of this WhatsApp group
Shabbat Nach Yomi: (Shabbat, Oct. 24): Ezekiel 25
Today’s Daf Yomi: (Friday, Oct. 23): Eruvin 75

Good Shabbos / Shabbat Shalom!


Parshat Bereshit / Birkat HaChodesh - Oct. 16 / 17, 2020

10/16/2020 01:04:36 PM


Click Here for the Cholim List
Shabbat Davening Schedule
Friday, Oct. 16
Shacharit: 7:00am
Candle Lighting: 5:48pm, Mincha: 5:50pm

Shabbat, Oct. 17
Shacharit: 9:00am (Shema: 9:52am)
Mincha: 5:25pm, Havdallah: 6:48pm, Maariv: 7:00pm
ASKT’s Shabbat In Shul/At Home Guide to Davening
(Please try to Daven at the Same Time as the Community)
NOTE: Page numbers are taken from the Artscroll RCA Siddur
Friday, October 16
One can start Shabbos as early as Plag HaMincha which is at 4:57pm If you want to start Shabbat that early the best is to daven Mincha before 4:57pm and start Shabbat after that.  If you want to do a late Shabbat you can light at regular time and daven mincha before sunset at 6:06pm
Mincha (5:25pm) - Ashrei (232) Amidah (234) and Aleinu (252)
Kabbalat Shabbat (308) at Home.  Make sure to dress up nice and to sing!!  Pick a nice tune or two for Lechah Dodi. (316).
(Those at home) skip Bameh Madlikin (322) and go straight to Maariv (330). (No Barchu is said) We say the paragraph of Vayechulu (346) and then skip the next three paragraphs and say Aleinu (350) and Vayigdal (12)
Friday Night Meal – Make sure to sing and give divrei Torah! Shalom Aleichem (354), Aishet Chayil (358), and Kiddush (360) followed by HaMotzi.
Shabbat, October 17
We will have a 9:00am full davening on the patio / downstairs.
For Those Davening at Home:
Shacharit: daven at 9:00am (Shema should be recited before 9:52am)
Following Shacharit – the parsha of Bereshit can be read from a Chumash.
Haftorah for Parshat Bereshit (I Samuel 20:18 - 20:42)
Back to the Siddur – You could now say the mi-Shebeirach for the ill (442) and the mi-Shebeirach for Tzahal (444). Remember to say the first Yekum Purkan (448) only. Remember to say the prayers for the government and the State of Israel (450).
We say Birkat HaChodesh (452) The The Molad for the Month of Cheshvan is Shabbat Morning, 23 minutes after 3am. Rosh Chodesh is on Sunday and Monday, Biyom Rishon Uveyom Sheni We skip Av HaRachamim and say Ashrei (456) which is followed by the Mussaf Amidah (462).
I recommend singing Ein Keilokeinu (476), Aleinu (480), (Anim Zemirot is not recited without a minyan) Shir Shel Yom (488), and Adon Olam (12).
Kiddush (492) and Festive Shabbat meal (remember to sing and give divrei torah).
Mincha: (in-person 5:25pm) (502) Ashrei and Uva Litzion.  Followed by Amidah for Mincha Shabbat (514).
Seudah Shelishit – Third Meal
Maariv (256). Remember to add the special insertion in the blessing of binah as part of the Amidah (268).  We say Vihi Noam (p. 594) followed by Aleinu (280)
Havdallah (618): at 6:48pm, Say Baruch HaMavdil bein Kodesh Lichol and then you can drive to shul for our 7:00pm minyan.
Rabbi Kalmar’s Message for Parshat Bereshit: “Adam Gives Chava a Name: What the First Marriage can teach us for all time”, Click Here
Weekend Programming
Kids Adon Olam Jam Session - approximately 11am to 11:15am at shul for the kids, Oct. 17 - Come and Dance in Place with a plush torah (bring your own or get one at shul) to Adon Olam at the end of davening and get a lollipop and hear a story from Rabbi Kalmar.  Kids may bring their parents as well.  Socially distanced, masked and on the patio or in the social hall depending on the weather and your family preference. 
Oct. 17 at 4:00pm at ASKT, 4th-8th grade girls group led by Leah Gaines & Adina Pullin
Fireside Chat with Rabbi Kalmar – at the Kalmar’s beach for a bonfire
Sunday, October 18 at 6:30pm for Girls, 6th-12th grades “What is Love? - in Judaism”
Week Day Programming
Amud Yomi: Sun.-Fri: Sun., 7:30am, Mon- 6:15am -Tues-Fri.: 6:30am, via free conference call - just call (712) 451-0253 and enter 911849# to join.
Orthodox Union Daily Tehillim Call - with Rabbi Kalmar!  Monday, October 19th, at 12 pm CDT, Rabbi Kalmar will be the featured speaker. To call in dial: (773) 377-9170 or (480) 210-2150
Rabbi Kalmar's Lunch and Learn Returns on Tuesday, October 20 at 12:15-12:55pm. One need not to have participated in previous year's class to join this year!  We will be studying the Book of Shmuel Bet again this year and picking up where we left off in the middle of the rebellion of Avshalom.  To Join on Zoom email
ASKT Shabbat Party-To-Go! If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat-Party-To-Go for the kids ($100) please email to let us know.
Kiddush-To-Go: If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush To Go in the future, email the shul at  to arrange to sponsor cookies, pastries, kugels or something else to go.  If you would like to order Kiddush-to-Go, please plan ahead as it takes longer to order. We may not be able to have kiddush together yet, but this is a way to celebrate or honor or remember together.  Cost will depend on the item you want to have in your Kiddush-To-Go but will run approximately $100-$200.
Week Day Davening
Shacharit: Monday davening will be at 6:45 am for Rosh Chodesh,Tues.- Fri.: 7:00am, Sun.: 8:00am
Mincha Sun-Thurs will be 5:45 pm, Sign up for this week’s davening by
clicking here

Next Friday, October 23
Shacharit: 7:00am, Candle Lighting: 5:37pm, Mincha: 5:40 pm
Eruv Status: The Eruv is checked every Friday and was last checked October 9th and was up.  To check the Eruv Status at any time, go to
ASKT Calendars have been delivered to your home (or mailed to advertiser’s office). Thank you to Laura Karan, Liz Hallerman
ASKT Directory: We are working on the new directory. If you would like to make changes to your information please email: Did you get rid of your home phone? Do you have a new email address? Did you move? Would you like to include your cell phone(s)?
Minyan Sign Ups: We need your help to make all the minyanim happen!
Sign up here for weekday minyanim for this week.
ASKT Chavrutah Program: Would you like to study Torah with a partner in the ASKT community? If you are interested in learning with someone via phone, zoom or perhaps in person (we will leave that up to you to work out with your learning partner) please email, and let us know. Also, let us know what you are interested in studying with a partner and how often. Studying Torah (whether it is Tanach (Bible), Halacha (Halacha), Talmud, Mishna, Hashkafa (Jewish thought), Mussar (ethics), or some other area) is edifying, it's interesting, it's challenging, it's life changing, it's a mitzvah and it is what has kept us Jews alive and kicking for so long. This is for men and women of all ages and all skill levels. No learning matches will be made without consulting with all parties first. We will be pairing up men to learn with men and women to learn with women.
Teen Programming:
Fireside Chats with Rabbi Kalmar – at the Kalmar’s beach for a bonfire
Sunday, October 18 at 6:30pm for Girls, 6th-12th grades “What is Love? - in Judaism”
Sunday, October 25 at 6:30pm for Boys, 7th-12th grades “What is a Hero? - in Judaism”
Your questions on the pandemic answered!  Zoom session for the Milwaukee Community with Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt October 26th at 7:30 pm
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt is Board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases and is currently Chairman of Medicine and Hospital Epidemiologist at South Nassau Communities Hospital, and a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. He is also a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.  Rabbi Dr. Glatt has been a frequent speaker and advisor regarding the pandemic for the OU, the Agudah, and is the director of Halacha and Medicine Commission for the Igud Rabbonim.  Rabbi Dr. Glatt has been one of the go-to individuals for the Orthodox Jewish community as it has tried to navigate the re-opening of shuls and schools and now he is bringing his expertise to Milwaukee.
Click here to submit your questions for Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt ahead of time.  Deadline for submission of questions is Thursday, October 22nd
Community Events / Announcements
EJ’s Pizza will be delivering for Free to Milwaukee for pick-up only as a drive thru at the Kollel parking lot, 5007 W. Keefe Ave. from 4-5pm on Monday, Oct. 19. Deadline to order is Sunday, Oct. 18 at 6pm. To place your order, call (224) 534-7215, let the person who takes your order know that it is for the Milwaukee Delivery or go to Select any later pick-up “time” and enter Milwaukee Delivery in the notes for one of your food items.
CTEENU Earn college credits in high school through cteen and Yeshiva University.  Run by Rabbi Avremi Schapiro.  Go to for more info.

Agudah of Illinois and Chabad CAREs - Kids Wellness Initiative – You can still sign up to receive packages, those people without children can sign up for milk and a produce box. Click Here to sign up.

QuicKosher: To contact Quickosher with any questions, comments, or special requests. WhatsApp/Call/Text: 414-301-1625 or 414-502-8063, Email: to order go to:
Hannah’s Kitchen: Check out  for Hannah’s Kitchen weekly themed meals, every Tuesday Hannah’s Kitchen themed meals orders are due. Check out  each week for Hannah’s Kitchen Shabbat meals. Every Wednesday the Shabbat menu orders are due. Glendale pick-up for themed meals are Wednesdays and Shabbat menus are to be picked-up Thursdays.
Ferrrantes at the JCC: Ferrantes at the JCC has decided not to open for Kosher Kurbside pick-up at the JCC for the month of October.
JewishMilwaukee Announces!  WhatsApp Group: This group serves as a place for local organizations and businesses to share information with the greater Milwaukee Jewish Community. Click Here to Sign up to be a part of this WhatsApp group
Thank you to all those who participated in our Simchat Torah Fundraiser -
it was a great success, raising over $27,000 for ASKT.
If you still would like to pledge you can do so

Thank you to this year's donors:

David and Terry Amrani
Phillip and Yaffa Arieff
Steven and Judy Baruch
Kathie Bernstein
Sam and Claudia Blumenthal
Bernie and Robin Cohen
Steve Cohen and Debbie Mendeloff
Hara Levy and Carl Crawford
Jerry and Harriet Dorf
Sarah and Nicholas Deitch
Joel and Chana Eckhardt
Shoshana Elias
Nancy and Yale Freiman
Travis and Yael Gaines
Susie Gidan
Bruce and Peggi Glaser
Avery and Ruth Gould
David and Liz Hallerman
Dan and Nadine Hellman
Stan and Phyllis Jaspan
Deborah Kalmar
Wes and Jessica Kalmar
Ben and Sara Karan
Ken and Robyn Karan
Elliott and Bobbi Katz
Michael and Cindy Katzoff
Phyllis Lensky
Nachman and Leah Levine
Mark and Staci Maiman
Armin and Hollie Nankin
Brian and Harriet Pack
Bruce and Jeanette Peckerman
Chanan Posner and Tanya Mazor Posner
Eric and Inna Pullin
Bob Rabinoff
Richard and Phyllis Robbins
Kaveh and Krista Shabtaie
David Tepper and Melissa Pachon Tepper
Jerry and Debbie Wicentowski
Stan and Penny Wynn
Shabbat Nach Yomi: (Shabbat, Oct. 17): Ezekiel 18
Today’s Daf Yomi: (Friday, Oct. 16): Eruvin 68

Good Shabbos / Shabbat Shalom

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784