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Daf Yomi Resources - some dafyomi resources from the internet

ALLDAF - 5 different Daf Yomi Shiurim from the OU and other resources

Al Hadaf has a bi-weekly newsletter that has been around since the 1990s. It is sent to subscribers for a fee by regular mail or e-mail. See their website for details, or email Rabbi Zev Dickstein at or phone 845-356-9114. Shiurim by Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac gives a daf yomi visual shiur and review with animated charts & illustration. Shiurim by Rabbi Dovid Grossman Z’L

Dafyomi Advancement Forum (DAF) has an extensive collection of resources, including insights, self-assessment questions, rabbanim who will answer your questions about the daf, and more. has pictures of the daf from the Vilna shas, so you can follow along with the text as you listen. has daf yomi audio in Yiddish, given by Rav Avrohom Karp ZT"L.

Kol Haloshon has a telephone shiur service in English, Hebrew and Yiddish with speakers such as Rabbi Shmuel Badouch, Rav Moshe Goldberger, Rav Moshe Meir Weiss, Rav Shmuel Dovid Friedman and Rav Avraham Chaim Steinwurzel. - provides for a fee Rav Kosman's daf yomi shiurim in both streaming and downloadable formats. has an extensive program of shiurim and publications to bring daf yomi into the daily lives of people from all walks of life. is a phone service in in Israel which answers questions about the daf. has daf yomi audio in Hebrew, given by Rav Yehuda Eliyahu.

Ohr Somayach Weekly Daf - Insights, explanations and comments from the seven pages of Talmud studied in the course of this week's worldwide Daf Yomi cycle by Rav Weinbach, Dean of Ohr Somayach.

Podcasts - a list of dafyomi podcasts available on the web

Real Clear Daf - audio shiurim deliver a lucid, accurate, and engaging presentation of the pashut p’shat (straightforward interpretation) of the Gemara’s give-and-take, based primarily on the commentary of Rashi. presents an in-depth shiur clearly and concisely explaining the main rishonim and achronim, intended to be learned after learning the gemara with Rashi. It is recorded by world-class maggidei shiur in a clear and straightforward manner that will enhance, broaden, and unlock the treasures hidden in each daf, including halacha lema'asaeh. The Agudah’s siyum website where one can access the videos from the last siyum HaShas.  Pictures are worth a 1000 words - daily pictures representing the daf. - provides great English audio daf yomi shiurim in a very clear manner from Simon Wolf of Ramat Shilo. Many highly detailed charts and diagrams of the daf on a very high level. has free Torah MP3 classes and Torah reading, including a folder called DAF YOMI GEMARA. Many shiurim are from Machon Meir. - Daf Yomi Shiurim by many different people.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784