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Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah, located in Glendale Wisconsin (a Milwaukee northern suburb), is a warm and welcoming participatory shul (synagogue) observing orthodox traditions.  We are guided by Five Torot (principles) that influence our lives as Jews and inspire us in our service to God.





I. Torat Chesed - The Torah of Kindness.

As descendants of the first Jew, Avraham Avinu, we aim to emulate his trademark trait of chesed (kindness).  Acts of kindness and goodness towards others are part of ASKT’s mission to make our world a better place.  


To contact an ASKT representative about participation in activities, click on your interest below:

·         Chesed (kindness)/social action (send an email to the Chesed (kindness)/social action committee

·         Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick and the lonely) (email the Bikur Cholim contact

·         Hospitality or providing meals for families with a newborn, illness, or who are sitting shiva (send an email to the Hospitality committee,


II. Torat Kehillah - The Torah of Congregation.

Kehillat (congregation of)  is part of our name and of our culture.  Our ASKT family is diverse, welcoming, friendly and inclusive.  We embrace the Midwestern way of life - friendlier and less judgmental; a place where everyone has room to grow.


ASKT is large enough to be a vibrant full-service synagogue, but small and close enough to feel like a big family. We are a Kehillah which truly cares about and cares for one another.

Members are actively involved in leading prayer, social activities, and shul governance.  Our members lead davening (prayers), laining (reading from the Torah), and organizing services.  ASKT members participate on many committees and join together in many wonderful events including the Ladies Tehillim group, Men's retreat, cholent contest, Milwaukee Brewers game and tailgate meal, annual picnic/BBQ, and holiday celebrations of Purim, Chanukah, Yom Ha'atzmaut and others.  In our family-friendly shul, the sound of young voices is common and encouraged. We celebrate good times together and gather together in tough times.


To contact an ASKT representative about being involved in any of our numerous committees, such as Annual Event, Bikur Cholim, Building, Calendar, Chesed, Social Action, Education, Eruv, Events, Executive, Finance, Fundraising, Hospitality, Israel Action, Kiddush, Membership, Men's Retreat,  Shalach Manot, Youth, Welcoming, or just to get more information about these committees or our kehillah (congregation), click here (send an email to get more information,


III. Torat Tefillah - The Torah of Prayer.

At its core, ASKT is a makom tefillah (place to daven).  We have daily minyanim in the morning and in the evening throughout the year.  Members take turns leading the davening and dividing up the laining. We are blessed to have wonderful baalei tefillah (cantors) for the yamim noraim (High Holidays) and are especially lucky to have the beautiful voice and heartfelt prayers of former opera singer, Joel Eckhardt, as he leads the heart of the High Holiday services, regular Shabbat Mussaf davenings, and special occasions.  Guests are welcome and regular shul-goers often assist the uninitiated in finding the place in the prayer books and in feeling comfortable.


·         To see the shul calendar, click here.

·         To contact Rabbi Kalmar about an aspect of the davening, click here.  (send an email to Rabbi Wes Kalmar,

·         To hear Joel Eckhardt's hallel, click here.


IV. Torat Limmud   - The Torah of Study.

The study of Torah is a primary mission and objective of the Jewish people and of members of ASKT.  Our members are at all levels of content and skills in Torah learning.


ASKT’s Torah learning includes daily study of Talmud with Amud Yomi (daily study of mishna and halacha), weekly study of parsha, 2 minute Friday divrei torah, drashas, shiurim and divrei torah on Shabbat, weekly classes on Tanach, Hebrew Language, basics classes, Jewish history, prayer, Jewish law, contemporary topics, special pre-holiday torah study, Men's Meat Midrash, tehillim classes, study after kiddush, all-night learning on Shavuot, and special learning opportunities for children. Venues include the shul, people's homes, the JCC, and virtual groups, as members sign up online for home-study.


·         To access Torah classes online, click here.

·         To find a list of great online Torah resources, (coming soon).  

·         To contact our education committee chair, click here.  (send an email to the Education committee,

·         To contact Rabbi Kalmar about your personal learning, click here. (send an email to Rabbi Wes Kalmar,


V. Torat Tzion - The Torah of Zionism.

ASKT is a committed Zionist shul, celebrating its strong connection to the land of Israel, the people of Israel, and the State of Israel.  We express our commitment in many ways, including: printing and reading weekly bulletins to stay informed about what is going on in Israel, giving classes about Israeli history and topics, Yom Kippur Israel Bonds appeal, weekly recital of the prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel, observing Yom HaZikaron, our signature celebrations of Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, and our support of communal Israel programs.  Many of our past members have made aliyah and many of our current members are frequently visiting Israel. The people, culture, language and Torah of Israel play a strong role in how we at ASKT see ourselves and how we live our lives as Jews in Glendale.


·         To contact the chair of our Israel Action Committee, click here.  (send an email to the Israel Action committee,

·         To watch Rabbi Kalmar's address at City Hall to celebrate Israel's 70th birthday, click here.  

·         To be involved in organizing or sponsoring Israel events and activities, click here. (send an email to become involved with Israel events or activities,

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785